By bringing a variety of parties together and setting up unique partnerships, we can make even more locations heart-safe, and in less time. Partnerships are therefore a vital element of our growth strategy.

Projects all have their own significance, no matter how big or small they are.

We look at where we can create added value, how and with whom. We like to think big, preferably outside the box and with the necessary creativity.

We distinguish 3 types of partners:

  • Strategic (increase awarness or bring innovation)
  • Commercial (represeenting a grassroots)
  • Non-commercial (CSR related projects)

To make every place heart safe, we still need to achieve a lot.
Do you want to contribute to heart safety? Pitch your ideas!


Strategic partners play a key role in communications, bringing the message to the target group and/or presenting a unique and innovative offer.

Examples include the projects Volvo Lifesaver, VVAA, Vriendenloterij.

Read about our projects


A collaboration that benefits both the partner and the members.
Commercial partners offer discounts on AEDs to their members or supporters. The partner receives a fee for each sale.

A selection of the partners we work with include LTO, the Netherlands Red Cross, NRC One Day Only and Telegraaf.

Read about our projects


Companies that offer budgets to make the Netherlands heart safe. They offer their members a free AED or make a CSR budget available for project financing.

Socially engaged partners are, for example, Bovag, PNOzorg, Atletiekunie.

Read about our projects